for Short-Term Teams

Select “Global Missions Project-Seed Fund” from drop-down box.

As we celebrate the past, present, and future of First Evan’s Missions legacy, we long for new generations to gain a vision for themselves and their families in global missions.

We want to be a church ready to obey when God asks us to go. First Evan strategically sends teams in coordination with our global missionaries and partners to share the gospel, train and support in-country church leaders, and assist with church planting, education, counseling, care, and encouragement. All of these require faithful sowing throughout every generation. The work never stops to keep this vision as part of the DNA of First Evan.  

Funds given during the conference to seed FEC short-term teams will subsidize the overall financial needs required to send them out. Fundraising and prayer support will still be a critical part of every team's preparation, but this fund will allow us to seed each team with a boost and prayerfully remove some of the financial obstacles for people to go.

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